Monday, April 20, 2009

the bestest of the besties

long time no write. mom and marie left last night, and are actually still traveling right now. it's so weird to think that since they left i've gone to sleep, woken up and had a whole day of classes and homework, yet they're still en route to wisconsin. 

we had a really great time. we did so many different things: a trip to botswana & zambia, a weekend in stellenbosch, kirstenbosch botanical gardens, kalk bay, camps bay, clifton beach, a drive to cape point, hout bay & the world of birds (africa's largest bird park and yes it is as creepy as it sounds)... and they did robben island and the city bus tour on their own. and probably more things that i can't remember. anyway, my point is that we did a lot, and although it was exhausting at times it was good because it forced me to get out and do things that i had wanted to do anyway. and of course it was great to have them here and spend waaay too much time together. i think marie's going to need some serious friend time when she gets home.

it's cold here today! upper 60s today, probably in the 50s right now. at home, we would be busting out the shorts and sandals for this weather, but here, people wear winter jackets and we complain about how freezing we are. i guess fall has begun, and i'm just hoping the rain holds off for a while. we are all totally not prepared for this weather, so i think a fall-clothing shopping spree is in order soon.

on wednesday i'm heading to durban with katrina and nicole. we're staying two nights on the beach in durban, and then going into the drakensburg mountains which are a couple of hours away. we're going to hike and hopefully get into lesotho as well. i'm really excited and happy that we're going, because i'm not sure if i'd make it through an entire week of classes this week. wow am i a complainer.

i apologize for the fact that this entry is really mundane, but i'm not sure what else to say, which is ironic since the past three weeks have been packed full of activities... but i don't really feel like recapping our trips and whatnot. even though i sound bored, i'm completely not, and i'm very very happy. i had some much-needed mom and sister time, and now i get to get back to some much-needed friend time. life is good.

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