Sunday, February 22, 2009

i can never think of a good title

this afternoon a few girls and i went to kirstenbosch botanical gardens, about ten minutes where we live, because each sunday night they have a concert there. it was absolutely gorgeous; the gardens are nestled into the side of the mountain, and there are huge trees everywhere - i felt like i was in the domes or something, it just seemed unreal. we had a picnic and sat on our blankets listening to the cape philharmonic orchestra. there were an unbelievable amount of people there, and it was a great place for people-watching. i definitely want to go back and walk around the actual gardens sometime soon.

on friday i was sitting outside on campus waiting for my next class to start, and started talking to some south african boys. highlights from the convo: they feel that america is the land of opportunity, and would love to live there someday -  "i want to move to california, because if the terminator can be governor, then i can be whatever i want there." also, he wanted to move to new york city and find himself a family like the darlings on "dirty sexy money" (the tv show). they were really nice, and it's funny to hear the talk that south africans launch into once they know that you're from america. i told the boys that if they go to america, all the girls will love their accents and in turn love them; they were really surprised and excited by this information. but i said it because it's true.

i don't really have a lot of news to report. i'm enjoying a lazy sunday night. here's one of the top ten most e-mailed articles on the new york times website right now: bagging bargains in cape town, south africa.

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